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Board Game Components
4 Yoga Paths Card
4 Play Modes


Be the 1st to reach Moksha - Liberation!



Intention –  Players set an intention for their coming together and make a commitment to honor consent and confidentiality. What is shared in this circle, stays in this circle.


Teams –  Players divide into 2 or more teams with at least 2 members on each team. (With fewer teams there is more participation and the game play is faster). Players agree which way to proceed. . . 


    • Continuous Play – When a team completes a challenge, they move forward 1 space and continue their path, alternating which teammate pulls a card. When they cannot complete a challenge, the game continues clockwise with the next team’s turn. 


    • Rotation Play – When a team completes a challenge, they move forward 1 space. Regardless of the outcome, the game continues clockwise with the next team’s turn.

Timekeeper –  Players decide who will keep time. The Timekeeper will use their phone to set a 1-minute timer easy for everyone to hear.


Start –  Each team places a meeple on the Start Space


Game Play  –  Game begins with Community Play of Karma. The winning team advances clockwise 1 space and plays another turn. 


4 Paths – When a team lands on 1 of the 4 paths: Karma, Bhakti, Jnana or Raja, they pull a card and follow the prompt. 


Yogi’s Choice – When a team lands on Yogi’s Choice, they 1st choose their path, then pull a card. 


            – If all players elect to skip 1 of the 4 Paths for the game, that path can be replaced with Yogi’s Choice


Stealing - If the guessers do not say the correct answer in Karma, Bhakti or Jnana, then the opposing teams, from last place to 1st, get 1 chance to steal the point.

• Community Play: 

        –  When a team lands on a Community Play space or draws a  Bhakti card, all teams participate using the same card. 

        – The other team(s) selects who their artist or actor will be.

        – Whichever team answers correctly 1st, advances 1 space. 

        – If an opposing team wins, or no one identifies the word or phrase before the timer runs out, the turn is over and game play continues to the next team.


Free Play:

        – This space gives the artist or actor a chance to see how many words or phrases they can successfully move through in 1 minute.

        – The team advances 1 space for each word or phrase they were able to guess correctly.

        –  There is No Community Play on this space.


Winning  –  The first team to reach Moksha wins! Players may choose to continue the game until the remaining team(s) reach Moksha.


Make it Personal  –  Like any practice, this game is here to serve you. Accommodate it to fit your needs in the moment, which may be different every time you play. 



Alternative modes


Collaborative: Place a single meeple on the board and take turns pulling cards in a clockwise rotation. Everyone works together to reach Moksha. 


    • The game starts with the youngest player drawing a card and following the Karma prompt.  If successful, the meeple advances 1 space.


    • In Jnana, everyone can collaborate to choose the correct answer. 


    • There is No Community Play or Stealing in this mode. 


Individual: If you have an odd number of players or prefer every player for themself, the game can be played in Individual mode. 

    • Players decide on Continuous or Rotation play.


    • Each player places a meeple on the Start Space


    • The game starts with the youngest player drawing a card and following the Karma action.
       If successful, the player advances 1 space.


    • In Karma or Bhakti, both the artist or actor and the guesser advance 1 space for a correct answer.


    • In Jnana, the player whose turn it is answers the question. If they guess incorrectly, the other players from last place to 1st get 1 chance to steal.


    • There is No Community Play in this mode.

Mini-games: There are 4 Paths or categories in Moksha. Players may choose to play only 1 (or 2 categories) as a Mini-Game. Score can be tracked on paper. 

Sand Timer Line Art

4 yoga Paths

The 4 Paths of Yoga provide unique and complementary practices to support in deep awakening. All rivers lead to the same ocean.

Prayer Hands Icons Karma

karma (kahr·muh)

Path of Action - Service - Hands

  • When a team lands on this space, the player whose turn it is pulls a card and has 1 minute to DRAW the word or phrase for their teammates to guess. (The added Sanskrit translations are there for education and are not required answers.)

  • If a team is able to guess the phrase or any form of the word correctly, they advance 1 space.

  • Artists may not draw yoga postures, numbers or words, nor act, speak or make sounds. 

  • Players can ask questions, to which the artist may draw responses.

  • If the player does not recognize the word or phrase, they can pull another card. 

    Trust Intuition – If the active mind icon appears on your card, draw with your eyes closed.

    Balance the Mind – If the decorative hand icon appears on your card, draw with your non-dominant hand.

Heart Icon Bhakti

Bhakti (bahk·tee)

Path of Devotion - Expression - Non-Verbal Communication

  • When a team lands on this space, the player whose turn it is pulls a card and has 1 minute to ACT the word or phrase for their teammates to guess, using gestures, expression and movement.
    (The added Sanskrit translations are there for education and are not required answers)

  • If a team is able to guess the phrase or any form of the word correctly, they advance 1 space. 

  • Actors may not perform yoga postures, point at objects, make sounds, move their lips or spell letters in any way. 

  • Players can ask questions, to which the actor may give non-verbal responses.

  • If the player does not recognize the word or phrase, they can pull another card.

    Community Play - If this appears on your card, all teams participate by selecting who their actor will be and using the same card .

Mind Icon Jnana

Jnana (gnyah·nuh)

Path of Knowledge - Wisdom - Intuition

  • When a team lands on this trivia space, the player whose turn it is pulls a card and reads the question aloud. 

  • The team gets 1 chance to THINK, answer the question correctly to advance 1 space. 

  • Categories:  

-  India

-  Deities

-  Anatomy & Physiology

-  Sanskrit

-  Chakras

-  Philosophy

-  8 Limbs 

-  Asana

Spirit Icon Raja

raja (rah·juh)

Path of Meditation - Consciousness - Direct Experience

  • When a team lands on this space, the player whose turn it is pulls a card, reads in silence and follows the directions

  • Upon completion of the task, the team advances 1 space.

  • Players are asked to practice deep listening while the player whose turn it is SHARES

  • These activities are meant to be 1 minute. Players may choose to take more time. 

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